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What is Dissociation?


Dissociation is a mental health disorder. It is not a disease and cannot be diagnosed scientifically, but doctors can diagnose the disorder based on a person’s symptoms and family and personal history. A doctor may order physical tests to rule out other medical conditions if dissociation is suspected. A mental health specialist will also evaluate the patient’s emotional health.


Dissociation is a mental condition in which an individual feels disconnected from their identity. The feeling is similar to being in a fog or losing yourself in a book. According to New York-based clinical psychologist Noel Hunter, author of Trauma and Madness in Mental Health Services, dissociation can last from a few minutes to days or even weeks.

To diagnose dissociation, psychiatrists use a structured clinical interview that includes questions about a person’s behavior, thoughts, and feelings. They also perform a dissociative experiences assessment that measures the intensity of dissociative experiences, including depersonalization, derealization, and amnesia. Other methods include a psychiatric evaluation and a structured clinical interview using the Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.

Psychotherapy may be recommended for those experiencing dissociation. However, therapy is not always possible for people suffering from dissociation. Several factors may be responsible for the disorder, including ongoing trauma. For instance, prolonged trauma can cause the brain to become accustomed to dissociation, and people with a dissociative disorder may be stuck in this state for weeks or even years.


Dissociation is a disorder that causes people to feel detached from the environment and their own identity. They often feel like they are watching themselves live another person’s life. At times, they even fail to recognize themselves in the mirror. It is often associated with childhood trauma. In some cases, the disorder may be a symptom of a mental health disorder, such as bipolar disorder. On the other hand, it is often caused by traumatic experiences, such as an assault or being brainwashed. Regardless of the cause, the symptoms of dissociation can be treated with medication.

The first step to identifying and treating dissociation is to consult with a medical professional. A medical professional will perform a physical exam and ask questions about your current and past health conditions. They will also run a blood test to rule out any underlying medical conditions. Some doctors will also conduct tests, such as an electroencephalogram (EEG), to detect dissociation. Sometimes, a physician may refer a patient to a mental health specialist.


Dissociation is a problem that affects many people. Those who suffer from this problem can benefit from psychotherapy. It can help them understand the symptoms and find ways to cope with the condition. Group therapy also gives individuals a chance to interact with others who are experiencing similar problems. In addition to offering a safe space to share their feelings, group therapy also helps people process traumatic experiences from their childhood.

The symptoms of dissociation vary from person to person, but it usually involves a feeling of departure from reality. A person who experiences dissociation may lose awareness of their surroundings or sense of identity. They may also experience an out-of-body experience where they feel they are in another place or even a different person.

Dissociation is a symptom of many mental disorders. It is thought to affect up to 7% of the population. However, the difficulty in diagnosing dissociative disorders could mean that this estimate is not accurate.


Dissociation is a condition that results from emotional trauma. People who suffer from dissociative disorders often have difficulty identifying and remembering who they are. Even the most resilient people can become affected by this disorder. One of the most famous examples of this disorder is Louis Vivet, 17, when he came into contact with a snake. His case became the most studied case of dissociation during the nineteenth century.

The brain’s natural defense mechanism is to switch from reality to avoid reliving the traumatic event. However, when this defense mechanism becomes excessive, the person may not fully process the event. In this case, the person may need professional help. A GP can examine the person and refer them to a mental health professional specializing in this condition.

Dissociation treatment aims to help the patient to regain a sense of equilibrium. It helps the patient to identify their identity and find the right balance in their lives. The first step in treating dissociation is understanding the disorder’s cause. In many cases, the dissociative disorder is caused by a traumatic experience in a person’s childhood. For example, a person who has suffered physical abuse may be more likely to develop dissociative symptoms. Trauma survivors may also suffer dissociative symptoms after the war, kidnapping, or other invasive medical procedures.