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What Can Congress Do About the Obamacare Prescription Drug Tax?


Obamacare is a new health care law that was signed into law by President Barack Obama on March 23, 2010. The act has created a new health care system for the United States that has helped millions of people get health insurance. In addition, the law includes subsidies, taxes, and protections against insurance company tactics.

Protections from insurance company tactics

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) has introduced new protections for consumers from the tactics of insurance companies. While the early days of the ACA marketplaces focused on lowering premiums, insurers are now forced to consider quality and risk factors, including medical loss ratios. Consumers will soon have a better opportunity to compare and choose the best health insurance plan.

Under the ACA, insurers cannot revoke policies once issued. However, they must provide a process for appeals if they believe the coverage is not what the customer expected. In addition, Washington and Rhode Island regulators are pushing back on initial rates. In Nevada, regulators allow insurers to revise rates after examining competitors’ plans. Stakeholders have praised these two practices because they have resulted in lower consumer premiums.

Expanding Medicaid

Expanding Medicaid under Obamacare is a complex and controversial issue. Although many states have approved this program, others have not. Some states, including Montana, have rejected the idea. Some states have proposed new rules to ensure the program is fair to low-income families. Some states have implemented work requirements to ensure that the program will cover all low-income individuals.

According to one model, millions will lose their health insurance coverage if states refuse to expand Medicaid. Many of these people are low-income, uninsured, and lack employer-based coverage. Once the new Medicaid rules take effect, these people will be unable to purchase private health insurance and won’t qualify for premium credits.


The Obamacare tax will increase health insurance premiums and medical device costs for middle-class families. Congress needs to delay or repeal the tax for the foreseeable future. But what can lawmakers do about it? Here are some suggestions for Congressional leaders. Let’s begin with the Obamacare prescription drug tax.

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) requires employers to offer health insurance or pay the penalty. It also creates a new 0.9 percent payroll surtax not indexed for inflation. Despite the new tax, most Americans will be benefited from this law. The Congressional Budget Office’s publication, “Revenue Projections, by Category: 2020 and 2030”, provides a helpful guide to tax changes.

Taxes have been repealed.

The GOP’s war on Obamacare is undermining the hard-won progress made by the Obama administration. While Republicans argue that the tax will help reduce the cost of health insurance, they are not talking about the ACA’s cost savings. Instead, they are talking about how they’ll repeal a tax that Democrats put in place under the previous administration.

If the ACA were repealed, the federal government would likely end the Cadillac tax and the 2.3 percent tax on medical devices. This will save taxpayers billions of dollars over the next decade. However, the other two taxes will remain.

Cost of plans

Health insurance premiums on the Affordable Care Act (ACA) marketplace can vary widely, depending on several factors, including age, gender, and smoking status. They also vary from state to state and region to region. Premium costs and cost-sharing amounts also increase each year. In 2014, the average silver plan cost $378 per month; by 2021, this figure is expected to rise to $593. The cheapest bronze plans can cost as little as $50 per month.

The cost of Obamacare plans closely watched by critics and proponents of the law. This is because the cost of a plan affects the value of tax credits for customers. In addition, since more than 80 percent of Obamacare customers qualify for federal premium subsidies, rising costs may hurt them, particularly those with low incomes.

Whether you qualify for a subsidy

The first step in determining whether you qualify for a subsidy under ObamaCare is to estimate your income. Subsidies will be based on your income for the year you enroll in coverage. This income will not be the same as the one reported on your tax return for the previous year, so you need to estimate accurately. If your income is higher than expected, you may be required to pay back some of the subsidy dollars used to help pay your monthly health insurance premiums. Conversely, if your income is less than expected, you may be due for additional subsidy assistance.

You can still get a subsidy if you do not qualify for Medicaid. The income threshold is based on the benchmark plan, which is the second-lowest silver plan on the exchange. Your monthly health insurance premium will be reduced if you fall below this income level. You will also receive a premium subsidy, also known as an Advance Premium Tax Credit, which you can take in advance of your premium payment.